Thursday, September 29, 2011

St. Louis, MO Couples Shower

Lucky in Love they are!! As one of my best friends from
high school, I couldn't be more excited for these two!
Their shower was beautiful, and the food was magnificent.
This shower invitation is fun and printed on a Linen card stock.
Congratulations Stacy and Scott!

St. Jacob, IL Couples Shower Invitations

Jonnie and Kyle's couples shower was definitely one we
will not forget! This fun and funky invitations was printed
on a matte card stock. Congratulations Jonnie and Kyle!

Troy, IL Couples Shower Invitations

As this bride and groom are my friends, I was happy to hear of their 
engagement! And a couple's shower was something that fit their 
personalities perfect! These shower invitations were printed on a 
Linen card stock and worked perfectly with their floral themed 
wedding. Congratulations Tiffany and Gene!

St. Jacob, IL Save the Dates

As one of my best friend's little sisters, Jonnie Lyn was the
perfect candidate for a hunter/girly Save the Date! What a
cute way to show the true side of this couple. As a postcard,
you can fit way more than just your names and date. They
decided to add lyrics to their first song on the back along
side the return address. Anything goes when it comes to
Save the Dates! Congratulations Jonnie and Kyle!

Belleville|Collinsville, IL Wedding Invitation

When this bride came to me, she wanted something elegant,
timeless and beautiful. Damask it is! Although damask is something
vintage and old, it is still used to this day in millions of ways. 
Especially invitations. There are also, millions of different 
patterns in damask, which keeps each invitation fresh. Congratulations
Lindsey and Greg!

Bethalto|Collinsville, IL Wedding Programs

When doing themed invitations, your programs can match the
invitations perfectly, if you desire. These programs are almost
identical to the invitations, except are sized to 4.5x12.5. They
keep that elegant look, while at the same time give off that 
whimsical feel that our couple was hoping for. 

Bethalto|Collinsville, IL Wedding Invitations

A themed wedding is one that us wedding vendors love to work with!
This particular invitation was Irish themed, and couldn't be more fun!
The beautiful blue and green in the pearlescent paper just makes it that
much more whimsical and fun. Congratulations Sarah and Scott!

St. Jacob, IL Wedding Programs

Jonnie Lyn's wedding programs were a bit of a rush order. Although
we only had 4 days to design and print, they turned our gorgeous. 
They are 4.5x12.5 printed 2 sided on a heavy card stock. As they do
have the same flourish design, they do not look exact to the invitation.